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What brought us to Q?

We have long been skeptics of the narratives and information we have been served throughout our lives by institutions, authorities, and especially the news and media outlets.  We have often experienced moments that made us scratch our heads, including life experiences of levels of corruption and incompetence that are quite simply unacceptable. We are logical thinkers. When things don't add up, it bothers us and we will dig and explore to find satisfactory answers (or in some cases eventually have to conclude that somebody just "has us by the &@#$"). We have also felt that the world should and could be a better place, always looking to identify what that would look like and how we would contribute to getting there. There is much more to be said about this journey, but this is about the "Qanon" movement. It was our curiosity and our thirst for truthful information that brought us to Q…

Rabbit Graphic


What is Qanon?

A widely shared explanation of the Q-anon movement  comes from one of the researchers into this "phenomenon":

Qanon definition JSather 03252020.JPG

The above is a very condensed explanation of a very large and complex topic. So we are attempting with this webpage to pull together information from our own research and that of other researchers who follow Q, to help you understand what it's all about and why we are excited about it.


The very basics of what "IT" is, are (in our own words) as follows:

  • In October 2017 (some months into the Trump administration in the United States) somebody began posting messages on a website called 4chan, later 8chan (now known as 8kun after a reboot). These are websites that allow for secured anonymous posting of messages.

  • This identifiable but anonymous "poster" signed his messages with "Q", which is a reference to Q clearance, which is required to access Top Secret Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and National Security Information, as well as Secret Restricted Data.

  • Q posts a variety of things: messages in clear text or using code, but also links to articles, social media posts, or images etc. Some messages are long, some are short. The posting is sporadic. Sometimes many messages are shared in a day and sometimes there are no messages from Q for some time.

  • From the information in the messages, it appeared that this person had insight into the Trump administration and high levels of national and military intelligence, and was trying to communicate with the public with hints and clues about a plan to transform the world as we know it.

  • The information and clues provided are often cryptic and coded (and at times include biblical references) and have inspired members of the public to research them and to find out what these communications are about and what picture they are trying to paint. You will hear these researchers referred to as "anons" or "digital soldiers", "bakers" etc. Other people/anons in turn can also post on the 8kun "boards" to communicate back with Q and these replies may then be posted by Q for all to see.

  • Messages posted by Q are referred to as "Q drops" and have been aggregated on a website called

  • The movement has moved much beyond the boards on 8kun and, however, with an "army of digital soldiers" sharing their research and collaborating via many online channels, in particular YouTube and Twitter.

Here we have tried to visualize for you how everything works - where information comes from and how it is aggregated with the various channels and players involved:

Qnon netwrok visual 0.1 03262020.png

A good article to read to quickly get up to speed with the background and themes of Qanon called "An Introduction To 'Q'" was published on ZeroHedge. You can find it here.

What is "the Plan"?

Q often tells us to "Trust the Plan". So what exactly is the plan or the Q "operation" that we are supposed to understand and trust? Well, we can't tell you exactly. It is an ongoing effort by researchers to uncover the details and make sense of the information we are being pointed to by Q. Something to note and remember is that Q is up against enemies who have access to Q's communications the same way we do. Also some information Q wants us to know is classified and can't simply be provided directly - hence code and the Socratic method are often used by Q. What Q has told us by now is that we have all the information we need. From a broader perspective, however, we would like to explain what the plan is all about: it seeks to eradicate the power structures in the world that have been dominated by evil people (referred to as the "deep state" or "cabal") for a very  long time, inflicting war, poverty, abuse,  death, and suffering on humanity; some of which has been hidden and some of which has been in plain sight, at least to some of us. Here are some examples of the evil that "The Plan" was designed to take on:

  • The structure of the financial system to stop the central banking racket/ enslavement of the people through perpetual debt and the devaluation of currency - ending the Federal Reserve and perhaps going back to a gold standard

  • Stop the mechanisms (cronyism, money laundering through philanthropy/NGOs and book deals, etc.) that have been set up by political and corporate players to funnel money from the people into their own pockets

  • Remove corrupt and corrupted (blackmail) individuals from positions of power in the criminal and justice systems

  • Remove criminals (deep state foot soldiers?) from our streets - dismantling cartels and gangs

  • Serve justice on those that have committed crimes: corruption, treason, crimes against children, crimes against humanity, genocide/ eugenics, deliberately started wars

  • Stop pedophiles, and human and drug trafficking rings

  • Give power back to the people and away from government (fix the tax system and election process, etc.)

  • Shed light on and put an end to occult worship and satanic ritual abuse practiced by those in power

  • Reveal truths that have been hidden from humanity, such as known cures, massively advanced technologies, knowledge about space

  • Destroy the propaganda machine of the fake news media that is manipulating and brainwashing the masses for an evil new world order agenda


The plan is vast, highly complex, and strategic, but we believe this should help to frame it and demonstrate it's tangible goals as we piece together the puzzle, participate with our role to research, share, and awaken the masses, and watch the execution of the plan unfold.

All this should give you a foundation for what Q is, where it all started and what it's about, however we would like to share with you the vast analyses, overviews, research and presentations of information related to Q that will bring you up to speed, ready to follow along with insights you will not receive from the main stream media.

What abouT Coronavirus?

Curious about what Qanon researchers are saying bout COVID - 19? Check out our recent blog post!

Why care about Qanon?

You don't have to. :) But we believe we are about to experience a transformation of our lives of epic proportions. It is historical and we don't want anyone (especially those we love  and care for) to miss it! Having said that, there is no need to believe or look any further to benefit from what we think is coming for all of us. This is not a believers will be rescued by aliens kind of situation. :P You will find mainstream media articles trying to frame Qanon as a cult or a conspiracy. That's fine. It wouldn't be the first time we are labeled "conspiracy theorists" although we strongly prefer "conspiracy realist". Also, we will note that it is a very unusual cult that asks you to research, verify and THINK FOR YOURSELF, so keep that in mind before you judge.


The "urgency": We have been following Q for almost 2 years (Q started posting in October 2017) and are certain that big things are happening this very moment. Surely no explanation is needed to tell you that we are living through some very strange times right now. Again, we are stoked and we'd hate for you to miss out on watching this unfold. History in the making! So we encourage you to take a look. Curiosity killed the cat. It won't kill you, we promise!


And you will learn factual information from anons that does not require any blind trust. Much of what you will learn is verifiable on your own. That is the point! Q just points us in the right direction and helps to tie it all together.

Where to start?

Joe M, The Plan To save The World

We are certain that many anons out there will agree that the best place to start to learn about Q is a video by Joe M, "The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED". It is a good full circle overview of the gist and purpose of the Qanon operation, and to lay the foundation of an understanding of the world as brought to us by Q, and the ensuing research by anons.

Out of shadows Documentary

The recently published "Out of shadows" documentary is a great place to start for anyone looking to understand the reality of the world that the elite are trying to keep us from seeing. It does not address Q or Qanon directly but shows you a journey to the truths that anons concern themselves with. Q even posted a link to the movie in a recent drop, calling it "The best documentary of the year" and it amassed millions of views right out the gate. It not only packs in a ton of enlightening information covering manipulation of the masses by Hollywood and the Fake News media, Pizzagate, the CIA/ Mockingbird & MK-ultra projects, Epstein, NXIVM, and Satanism, but also has a captiviating storyline and high end production by Hollywood people. The documentary has been removed from YouTube several times, so you may need to visit their site directly to view it there:

The Fall Of The Cabal Documentary

The series of videos below is a much deeper dive into the world view shared by Qanon. It is a 10 part (each part is about 15-20 minutes long) documentary made by researcher and author Janet Ossebaard from the Netherlands, with the aid of countless anons across the world, and she prefaces: "It contains thousands of hours of research. I urge you to accept nothing as the truth. Please do your own research and double-check everything I present to you. That is only way to truly wake up and become an independent thinker".


We do want to mention here that what you will learn about in this documentary will reveal that the "people at the top" are involved in some very disturbing things. What you will discover is not simply a political "war" between the left and the right, but truly a battle between good and evil. There is hope at the end for all of this and that is why we are pushing through. But be warned that it is not an easy thing to come to terms with.

Note: YouTube has completed a purge of Qanon content. If you are unable to play the videos below, please go to Bitchute here instead.


If you want to go directly to the source and dig into the raw information from Q (the Q "drops") you can go to the website mentioned earlier where an anon has stored all the Q drops from beginning to present in a well organized site with search features, cross referencing capabilities. Here is a snap shot of what the site looks. Many anons will recommend you go here and read the drops for yourself and explore the site and its features.

Other Content to get you started

As we mentioned early on, there are many many of us anons out in the world working tirelessly to uncover the truth we all seek, and to understand the plan Q is trying to fill us in on. Below is a selection of "Qtuber" videos we recommend to help with getting up to speed with the Q movement and where we are today.

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There are anons out there who have written entire books to help others along with understanding Qanon. We have to admit, we have not read any in their entirety (we are millennials...), but for those who prefer this type of format, here is what we are aware of and have heard others recommend, including Amazon links for ordering these books and so you can check out their reviews by others:

Anons To Follow

By now, you should be ready to follow along in real time day by day and "watch the movie" (the plan unfolding), as Q often puts it. We would like to share a list of Citizen journalist Qanon researchers and where to find their content so you can jump right in and see for yourself what the Q hype is about. There are many researchers out there that will do things such as:

  • Analyze any new Q drops and show us their related research findings and interpretation

  • Scour the news media, including social media (the "Twitter sphere") for the latest news and opinions

  • Aggregate information

  • Create visuals, videos and memes

  • Develop overviews and story lines

  • Tie current events and news back to Q drops from the past

So you will find that the Q movement is a team effort. Some specialize in certain topics more and also provide research and opinions beyond Q-specific topics. You will find that you may prefer the work and opinions of one researcher over another, which is why we are providing some options to check out below. We are sure the list below will continue to grow and be updated, but it is our take at this time, of who to follow with short descriptions  and/or why we value their insight.


Before we get to this list, please also check out our latest headlines sliders with summaries of events and stories we are following as they relate to Qanon research and tracking:

Liz Crokin

Instagram bio: Award-winning author of Malice - Speaker - Sex Crime Survivor - Patriot - Journalist - truth seeker - & a PROUD Trump supporter! 

Liz Crokin is our go to for all things Hollywood and Pizzagate, and all in all for information about "the plan". She is an unstoppable Qanon force and fighter. She has been banned by Twitter for exposing the elite and their nefarious and disturbing actions.

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And we Know

YouTube/ Twitter bio: Bringing positive news in the midst of darkness. Master Sergeant (ret) U.S. Marine Corps, very conservative Christian. Thank God 4 Trump.

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Twitter bio: Patriot/Digital Soldier Fighting 4 Faith, Justice & Freedom. Q’d 1X & RT’d by Pres Trump 1X. Waking up normies & digging deeper. WE ARE THE NEWS NOW #WWG1WGA

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Praying Medic

From YouTube and Twitter bio: A virtual classroom on the kingdom of God - Paramedic ★ Author ★ Researcher ★ Calm Before the Storm

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Edge of Wonder

YouTube about description: The truth is what we’re after. At the Edge of Wonder, there is more to this world than meets the eye, that’s why we bring you topics ranging from aliens, space force to the new mandela effect. Of course, you can’t miss out on the Deep State and Q*a_non. We dedicate this show to the disclosure community, and interviewing the biggest names in the field such as David Wilcock, Corey Goode, and so many more as we touch on sometimes dark topics with a sense of humor. Join us on this truth-seeking and spiritual awakening journey! New videos every Tuesday, 3pm EST and Friday,5 pm EST.

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Coreys Digs

YouTube about description: Corey Lynn is an investigative journalist bringing truth to light and exposing corruption. Be sure to check out the PLAYLISTS, as they host all interviews & discussions on my reports, plus the WEEKLY PODCAST!

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X22 Report

X22 Report releases daily videos (except Saturday) that cover political/geopolitical and financial news. Besides his excellent analytical and research skills, we appreciate his positive and uplifting outlook for how things fit into the bigger picture.

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Joe M

YouTube description: "Humans do not naturally exist in a state of conflict. They become so when deliberately set against each other by the evil few that seek to control us all. 11/11."

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Jordan Sather/ Destroying the illusion

Jordan Sather is much into natural health and the space/ UFO/ extraterrestrial topics and we appreciate his insights on these in particular. These are not topics others cover in as much detail and with as much knowledge.

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C Getz/ Where We Go 1 We Go All

C Getz/ Where We Go 1 We Go All releases incredibly well sourced and well presented information on hot topics (usually as they relate to Q) on a more sporadic basis, but we wouldn't miss  single one of his video releases.​ He is also very matter of fact and entertaining. 

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Qanon Obiwan

Twitter bio: Marine. Patriot. Digital Soldier. #WWG1WGA.

Qanon Obiwan has a knack for tying things together to form a bigger picture narrative. He is also very good at quickly pulling together all the important headlines of the day.

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For  a more exhaustive list of Qanon related Twitter and YouTube accounts to follow, you can visit our friend over at for a helpful and easy to use search function.

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